Friday 11 May 2012

How to change the old water softener with new softener of water?


Now the replacing a water softener is not going hard for you because there are many types of water softeners available in the market, which are based on the new technology and in these softeners of water, all plumbing and wiring are already in place. UK water softeners provide the softer and pure water, which is totally chemical free and makes the quality of water very high. You have to use the following steps to replace a water softener. 

In first step, you have to switch off the power supply to the existing softener. When this step is completed, you have to close the main water supply of your home, through which the water is come in the water softener. After that, you have to set the bypass valve. There are two types of valve in thin bypass valve, first is called inlet and second is outlet, you have to just close both valves and open the bypass valve, which is at the back of the softener of water. 

If the salt and potassium chloride in old softener are in good condition, then you can also remove that form that softener. Remove the holding clips and both inlet and outlet valve. You have to also separate the cooper pies from the water softener. 

After that, you have to move the old water softener form that position and place a new softener of water in that place. Connect it with the holding clips and also with the inlet and outlet valve. Fill the potassium and salt tank with the pellets of salt and potassium. Restart the power supply and min water supply. Now the new softener of water is ready for your use .

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